We're moving this week! *Cue inspirational orchestra*
Our tiny apartment has been good to us through our first six months of marriage, but it's time for a bigger space that we can call home until we buy a house (and who knows how far down the road that is.) I really want us to be able to make this next space ours, somewhere we like being. The bare bones of the place are wonderful (I can't wait to post pictures later!) and I have so many ideas that I can't wait to get to work on.
A home trend I've been loving lately is using succulents for house plants. I'm not the greatest gardener, so having a pretty plant that doesn't require a whole lot of maintenance is perfect for me. They also come in so many pretty colors and look awesome in pots, terrariums, or my rather large collection of glass bottles.
image sources: top, bottom
I have been looking into doing this too! I am lucky if I get my plants to live longer than a week.