Apple Cider - This marks autumn to me. I can drink pots of this stuff! The homemade is the best, of course, especially when it's got cinnamon sticks floating in it, and it makes the whole house smell fantastic.Ahhhh. I can't wait to make some!
image via pinterest.
Leather Journals. I am a journal hoarder. It's a problem. And when I buy a particularly pretty one, I'm anxious over what to write in it, because I don't want to waste silly words in a pretty journal. I haven't bought one in a while, but I would really like to go back to journaling semi-regularly. I'm obsessing over this one.
Doctor Sleep. This came out Tuesday and I am SO EXCITED to get it! I'm a huge Stephen King fan and The Shining is one of my favorites (the book and the movie, even though the movie missed the mark so many times). It'll be the perfect October read!
Kings of Leon's new album. Caleb bought this the day it came out, and we've been listening nonstop since then! It's a fantastic fall record.
Record Players. We're planning on getting one as an early Christmas present to ourselves. Any recommendations for albums that sounds particularly good on vinyl?
Fall Candles. I love candles, and the scents out for fall are my favorites! We're currently burning Pumpkin Cupcake and Apple Ale from Bath and Body Works. I love BBW candles because the seasonal scents call all be burned together and complement each other wonderfully!