I wrote a post of a few things I want to change this year, including cleaning out and simplifying my closet, but this is the big one.  In 2014, I don't want to buy anything that was sourced unethically.

As simplistic as it sounds, this is actually a pretty big undertaking.  Unfortunately, some of my favorite clothing retailers have a pretty bad record of employee treatment and compensation, and after careful consideration, I'm cutting ties.  Learning about human trafficking and how unethical companies can sometimes feed into the problem, as well as the conditions that 3rd world workers often face just aren't things that I can put my money into.  The loss of life, innocence, and autonomy isn't worth a couple cheap cardigans.

Finding ethically sourced fashion can be a challenge, especially on a budget.  The prices we've come to expect when shopping for "fast fashion" are a direct product of worker exploitation - that's why it's so cheap.  When you make the switch to ethical fashion, the price tag can be a bit of a shock.

I've kind of gotten to the point where I like that, though.  More expensive, higher-quality purchases keep me from spending a ton on trendy, quick-to-fall-apart pieces.  I have to save for an item, so I only buy things I really need, meaning there's no buyer's guilt afterward.

It's a daunting task finding places that are ethical.  Here are a few that I have discovered, as well as some guidelines for shopping a few standbys:

ASOS - They already score highly on ethical standards, both for the environment as well as worker conditions.  Since they do retail a bunch of brands, though, I do individual research on each on.  The ASOS brand as well as New Look both score well ethically.  They also have a division called The Green Room that is dedicated to brands who have ethical concerns as a part of their core mission.  Some of my favorite green room pieces are here, here, and here.

Modavanti - I just discovered this site this week, and I am LOVING it.  Everything here is ethically sourced, so if you buy from  Modavanti, you can rest assured that your purchase is ethical without additional research.  The price tag will probably be higher than you're used to, but when you sign up you get a 20 dollar credit that can go towards your purchase.  I'm drooling over this bag.

Etsy - Of course you know about this.  Etsy is a great place for handmade goods... I love to buy my bags and jewelry there.  Unfortunately, there are some child labor products that still end up on Etsy (usually from companies that also sell for super cheap on Amazon and Ebay), but they're fairly easy to spot.  Look for item and shop descriptions that make sense and don't look like they're written by a bot, pictures of the shop owner, and actual names  of items instead of nonsensical strings of adjectives.  Also, a price that seems to good to be true probably is.

Splendid - Perfect place to shop for basics.  Splendid makes gorgeous tees and blouses that fit well, feel wonderful and last forever.  They're made in the US and have their supply chain policy on their website, so you can read about how the clothes are manufactured and distributed. This scoop top is a personal favorite.

Thrifting - Chances are this is probably already a standby for you, but I would really encourage that you check out your local thrift stores before buying new.  Not only is it more sustainable, but it's easier on your wallet. If your local store is lacking, there are some great vintage finds on etsy, as well as the thrifty thread on reddit where you can buy, sell, or trade pieces you don't want any more.

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